We have been responsible for the many scenes that take place in moving cars. The actors were shot in static car interiors inside of a studio and in front of a green screen. Later, these shots were combined with background plates that were specifically shot to match the studio's angles and light.
Furthermore, we helped bring the obvious success of Brigitte to life by creating a huge (3D/CG) banner decorating the exterior of the publisher and the advertisements on the side of large trucks that deliver Brigitte's bestseller to countless bookstores.
When the very attractive Brigitte shows up at publisher Goudemondt with a horrible manuscript, the brothers Marc and Boudewijn (directors of the ailing family-publisher) sense possibilities. With their eye on the media they make her switch roles with an unsightly and stuttering author of a literary masterpiece.
The trick works; the book becomes both artistically and financially a huge success, but the initial agreement between all parties overturns into a bitter strife for acknowledgement. To the heat of the battle fall many victims, but eventually Brigitte and Marc will find each other.